Hafiz: Ghazal 367 "Wine, Humans and Song" (From Persian)

This poem, like the Entreaty to Fakhr-al-Din Abd-ul-Samad seems to be composed very much with a singing voice in mind, and thus to have a more strophic dimension to its verses than many other ghazals. Thus, the romanization I have provided this time is formatted, like my translation, with each verse broken down into four metrically identical units, so as to suggest the way the poem moves and highlight the frequent verse-internal rhymes. I have so chosen the metrical pattern that the English translation should, at least theoretically, also be singable to many of the same melodies to which the Persian original has been set.

Ghazal 367:  Wine, Humans and Song
By Hafiz
Translated by A.Z. Foreman

Come on and let us scatter flowers
and fill the chalice up with wine 
  We'll crack the heavens' vault in half
  and hew a wholly new design.
When Sorrow's armies mobilize  
to skiver lovers with her pikes,  
  The serving boy and I destroy
  their camp with punchy counterstrikes.
Here put rosewater in the wine  
and sugar in the censer there  
  To sweeten up the scent we sense
  upon the incense-bearing air.
Hey singer with your fine-tuned lute,  
strum us a fun and tuneful song.  
  We'll stamp our feet, carouse in dance
  clap to the beat and sing along.
O dawn wind bear the lowborn dust 
of my existence to the place   
  of His high majesty. Perhaps
  I'll see His splendor face to face.
This blowhard boasts of intellect.  
That fool's all spells and mummery.  
  Why don't we take their argument
  to court and let the Judge decree?
If what you want is Paradise   
come on and join me in the bar.  
  I'll zonk you from a liquor cask 
  into the basin of Kawthar.
Hafiz the arts of verse and song  
are out of fashion in Shiraz.  
  Best seek a more receptive realm
  a court more loving in its laws.


Verse 7: Kawthar - a stream (or lake, or stream with a basin) found in Paradise.

Verse 8: As in some of Hafiz' other poems, the ending seems to be a not-so-veiled threat to take his verse's business elsewhere if he is not treated better by the local potentate.

Audio of me reciting this poem in Persian

The Original:

بیا تا گل برافشانیم و می در ساغر اندازیم
فلک را سقف بشکافیم و طرحی نو دراندازیم
اگر غم لشکر انگیزد که خون عاشقان ریزد
من و ساقی به هم تازیم و بنیادش براندازیم
شراب ارغوانی را گلاب اندر قدح ریزیم
نسیم عطرگردان را شِکَر در مجمر اندازیم
چو در دست است رودی خوش بزن مطرب سرودی خوش
که دست افشان غزل خوانیم و پاکوبان سر اندازیم
صبا خاک وجود ما بدان عالی جناب انداز
بود کان شاه خوبان را نظر بر منظر اندازیم
یکی از عقل می‌لافد یکی طامات می‌بافد
بیا کاین داوری‌ها را به پیش داور اندازیم
بهشت عدن اگر خواهی بیا با ما به میخانه
که از پای خمت روزی به حوض کوثر اندازیم
سخندانیّ و خوشخوانی نمی‌ورزند در شیراز
بیا حافظ که تا خود را به ملکی دیگر اندازیم


Биё, то гул барафшонему май дар соғар андозем, 
Фалакро сақф бишкофему тарҳе нав дарандозем. 
Агар ғам лашкар ангезад, ки хуни ошиқон резад, 
Ману соқӣ ба ҳам созему бунёдаш барандозем. 
Шароби арғавониро гулоб андар қадаҳ резем, 
Насими атргардонро шакар дар миҷмар андозем. 
Чу дар даст аст руде хӯш, бизан, мутриб, суруде хӯш, 
Ки дастафшон ғазал хонему покӯбон сар андозем. 
Сабо, хоки вуҷуди мо бад-он олиҷаноб андоз, 
Бувад, к-он шоҳи хубонро назар бар манзар андозем. 
Яке аз ақл мелофад, яке томот мебофад, 
Биё, к-ин довариҳоро ба пеши довар андозем. 
Биҳишти адн агар хоҳӣ, биё бо мо ба майхона, 
Ки аз пои хумат рӯзе ба ҳавзи Кавсар андозем. 
Сухандониву хушхонӣ намеварзанд дар Шероз, 
Биё, Ҳофиз, ки то худро ба мулке дигар андозем.


Biā tā gul barafšānēm  
u may dar sāɣar andāzēm  
  Falakrā saqf biškāfēm
  u tarhē naw darandāzēm
Agar ɣam laškar angēzad  
ki xūn-i 'āšiqān rēzad  
  Man u sāqī ba ham sāzēm
  u bunyādaš barandāzēm
Šarāb-i arɣawānīrā   
gulāb andar qadah rēzēm  
  Nasīm-i 'atrgardānrā
  šakar dar mijmar andāzēm
Ču dar dastast rūdē xwaš  
bizan mutrib surūdē xwaš  
  Ki dastafšān ɣazal xwānēm
  u pākōbān sar andāzēm.
Sabā xāk-i wujūd-i mā  
badān 'ālī janāb andāz  
  Buwad kān šāh-i xūbānrā
  nazar bar manzar andāzēm
Yakē az 'aql mēlāfad  
yakē tāmāt mēbāfad  
  Biā kīn dāwarīhārā
  ba pēš-i dāwar andāzēm
Bihišt-i 'adn agar xwāhī   
biā bā mā ba mayxāna  
  Ki az pāy-i xumat rōzē
  ba hawz-i kawsar andāzēm
Suxandānī u xwašxwānī  
namēwarzand dar šērāz  
  Biā hāfiz ki tā xwadrā
  ba mulkē dīgar andāzēm

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