T. H. Parry Williams: Return (From Welsh)

T. H. Parry-Williams
Translated by A. Z. Foreman

The tumults of the world can never move
heaven's silence. This earth's cries will not distress
the power of the peace which lies above
the great expanse's touchless nothingness. 
All man's and world's commotion here below
cannot disturb that peace, will never purl
the distances whose turns and courses so
impose pure quiet in their rapid whirl.
And as our journeying with all we are
from our birth-wail until the final whine
is but time's ripple, shadow of a scar
on that vast muteness, mild and superfine,
forever fleeing this foolish bother, we
slip back into that great tranquility.

Me reading the original Welsh:

The Original:


Ni all terfysgoedd daear byth gyffroi
distawrwydd nef; ni sigla lleisiau’r llawr
rymuster y tangnefedd sydd yn toi
diddim diarcholl yr ehangder mawr;
ac ni all holl drybestod dyn a byd
darfu’r tawelwch nac amharu dim
ar dreigl a thro’r pellterau sydd o hyd
yn gwneuthur gosteg â’u chwyrnellu chwim.
Ac am nad ydyw’n byw ar hyd y daith,
o gri ein geni hyd ein holaf gŵyn,
yn ddim ond crych dros dro neu gysgod craith
ar lyfnder esmwyth y mudandod mwyn,
ni wnawn, wrth ffoi am byth o’n ffwdan ffôl,
ond llithro i’r llonyddwch mawr yn ôl.

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