Saadi: Golestan 1.10 (From Persian)

From the Golestan: Chapter 1, Story 10
By Saadi of Shiraz
Translated by A.Z. Foreman

I was in retreat at the tomb of John the Baptist in the Mosque at Damascus when a certain king of the Arabs, infamous for injustice, happened by on pilgrimage. He said his prayers, and made a supplication.

Both rich and poor shall serve this dust indeed
The richest will be in the greatest need.  

Then he turned to me and said "Since you dervishes are known for powerful spirits and true dealings, lend me your thoughts for the road. Because I've got this enemy that's really frightening me." 
I told him: "deal mercifully with your weakest subjects, and the strongest enemy can never subject you."

It is wrong for your strong    right hand to break
A poor weakling's wrist  as he reaches for aid.
If you refuse mercy to the fallen  do not fool yourself
That your hand will find a friend    when you fall one day. 
If you plant evil seed, to expect good fruit
Is utter fantasy from an idle brain.
So unplug your ears,   give the people justice.
Either be just or face  your own Judgment Day. 
 Humans are limbs of one totality, 
 Since all were formed of one identity.  
 If any limb is harmed by fate's caprice 
 None of the rest have any rest or peace. 
 If others' suffering does not pain you too, 
 Then "human" is too good a name for you. 

The Original:

بر بالين تربت يحيي پيغام‌بر عليه السلام معتکف بودم در جامع دمشق که يکي از ملوک عرب که به بي‌انصافي منسوب بود، اتفاقا به زيارت آمد و نماز و دعا کرد و حاجت خواست

درويش و غني بنده اين خاک درند
وآنان که غني ترند محتاج ترند

آنگه مرا گفت از آنجا که همت درويشانست و صدق معاملت ايشان خاطري همراه من کنيد که از دشمني صعب انديشه‌ناکم، گفتمش بر رعيت ضعيف رحمت کن تا از دشمن قوي زحمت نبيني

به بازوان توانا و قوت سردست
خطاست پنجه مسکين ناتوان بشکست
نترسد آنکه بر افتادگان نبخشايد
که گر ز پاي درآيد کسش نگيرد دست
هر آنکه تخم بدي کشت و چشم نيکي داشت
دماغ بي‌هده پخت و خيال باطل بست
ز گوش پنبه برون آرو داد خلق بده
و گر تو ميندهي داد روز دادي هست
بني آدم اعضاي يکديگرند
که در آفرينش ز يک گوهرند
چو عضوي بدرد آورد روزگار
دگر عضوها را نماند قرار
تو کز محنت ديگران بيغمي
نشايد که نامت نهند آدمي

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