William Auld: Snow (From Esperanto)

By William Auld
Translated by A.Z. Foreman
Click to here me recite the original in Esperanto

The snow invades,
Conquers the city:
And we

A conquered people
Hopelessly pace the streets
With neck bowed under
The yoke of the occupying
White forces.

Spring, help us!
When shall we hear
Your fanfare
Trumpeting on the horizon?

The Original

William Auld

la neĝ' invadas
venkas la urbon;
kaj ni,
popol' venkita
marŝas senespere la stratojn
kun nuko kurba
sub jug' de l' okupanta
armeo blanka.

Printempo, helpon!
Kiam ni aŭdos
fanfaron vian
ĉe l' horizonto?

And a translation into Interlingua, just for fun


Le nive invade,
Conquire le citate
E nos
Un populo conqueste,
Passa per despero, in le stratas
Con collos flecte
Sub le jugo del occupante
Armea albe

Succurre, primavera!
Quando nos audira
Vostre fanfar
Transiente le horizonte?