Rashid Hussein was born in 1936 in Galilee, and died in 1977 in New York City when his apartment caught fire. A week later he was buried in his ancestral home thanks to the efforts of his friends in Israel.
Without a Passport
By Rashid Hussein
Translated by A.Z. Foreman
Click to hear me recite the original Arabic
I was born without a passport,
I grew up
And saw my country turn
Into prisons, without a passport.
So I sowed.
I raised a country in every house,
Raised a sun
And wheat.
In every house, I nurtured trees. I learned
To write leaves of verse
To make the people of my village happy,
Happy without a passport.
He whose land is stolen, I learned,
Has no love for the rain
And if he returns to it, he shall return
Home without a passport.
But I am tired of the minds that have turned
Into a single chain
Of hotels for yearnings that can't give birth
Save with a passport.
Without a passport
I came to you
And rose against you.
So take me, slaughter me in return
And then perhaps I will feel myself dying
Dying without a passport.
The Original:
Without a Passport
By Rashid Hussein
Translated by A.Z. Foreman
Click to hear me recite the original Arabic
I was born without a passport,
I grew up
And saw my country turn
Into prisons, without a passport.
So I sowed.
I raised a country in every house,
Raised a sun
And wheat.
In every house, I nurtured trees. I learned
To write leaves of verse
To make the people of my village happy,
Happy without a passport.
He whose land is stolen, I learned,
Has no love for the rain
And if he returns to it, he shall return
Home without a passport.
But I am tired of the minds that have turned
Into a single chain
Of hotels for yearnings that can't give birth
Save with a passport.
Without a passport
I came to you
And rose against you.
So take me, slaughter me in return
And then perhaps I will feel myself dying
Dying without a passport.
The Original:
بدون جواز سفر
بدونِ جوازِ سفر
رأيت بلادي تصير سجونا
بدونِ جواز سفر
فربّيتُ في كل بيتٍ بلادا
وربّيتُ فيها شجر
تعلّمتُ أن أكتُبَ الشعرَ
أن أجعلَ الناسَ في قَريَتي يَفرَحونْ
بدون جواز سفر
تعلّمت أن الذي سُرِقَت أرضُه لا يحبُّ المطرْ
وإن عاد يوما إليها , يعودُ
بدونِ جواز سفر
ولكنني أتْعَبتْني العُقولُ التي أصْبَحَت
فنادقَ للأُمْنياتِ التي لا تَلِدْ
سوى بجواز سفر
بدون جواز سفر
أتَيتُ اليكمْ
وثُرتُ عليكُمْ
فقوموا اذبحوني
لعلي أحِسُّ بأني أموتُ
بدونِ جواز سفر